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Posh Law - Unveiling the Legal Framework: Tackling Sexual Harassment in Educational Institutions under CBSE and UGC Guidelines

Educational institutions are meant to be sanctuaries of knowledge and personal growth, where students and staff should feel safe and respected. However, sexual harassment remains a pervasive issue in these environments. Recognizing this problem, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and the University Grants Commission (UGC) have implemented guidelines to address sexual harassment and create safer spaces within educational institutions. This article examines the legal framework and initiatives in place to combat sexual harassment within CBSE-affiliated schools and UGC-approved colleges and universities.

The Legal Landscape

1. Vishaka Guidelines: In 1997, the Supreme Court of India issued the Vishaka Guidelines, which established the framework for addressing sexual harassment in workplaces, including educational institutions. These guidelines emphasized the need for a safe and secure environment for all.

2. Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013: The UGC and CBSE guidelines derive their authority from this act. It mandates the establishment of Internal Complaints Committees (ICCs) in all educational institutions with more than ten employees.

CBSE Guidelines

The CBSE has put in place specific measures to address sexual harassment within the schools under its jurisdiction:

1. Mandatory Awareness: CBSE-affiliated schools are required to conduct workshops and training programs to raise awareness about sexual harassment and gender sensitivity among students, staff, and parents.

2. Appointment of ICCs: Each CBSE-affiliated school must establish an Internal Complaints Committee to investigate and address complaints of sexual harassment.

3. Zero Tolerance Policy: The CBSE enforces a strict zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment, emphasizing the importance of prompt and impartial investigations.

UGC Guidelines

The UGC guidelines extend to colleges and universities under its purview:

1. Establishment of ICCs: UGC mandates the formation of ICCs in higher education institutions. These committees are responsible for handling complaints and ensuring a safe environment for students and staff.

2. Awareness Programs: UGC emphasizes the importance of conducting workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns to educate students and staff about sexual harassment prevention and redressal.

3. Online Complaint Portals: To make the reporting process more accessible, UGC encourages institutions to establish online complaint portals for easier submission of complaints.

Challenges and the Way Forward

While the CBSE and UGC guidelines are essential steps toward addressing sexual harassment, challenges still persist:

1. Awareness and Implementation: Many institutions struggle with awareness and effective implementation of these guidelines, leading to underreporting and inadequate redressal.

2. Stigma and Fear: Victims often face stigma and fear of retaliation, making it crucial to create safe spaces where they can report harassment without fear.

3. Legal Loopholes: Some argue for broader legislation to close potential legal gaps, offering greater protection and redressal options for victims.

In conclusion, addressing sexual harassment in educational institutions under the CBSE and UGC guidelines is essential for creating a safe and nurturing learning environment. However, there is a pressing need for continuous awareness, proactive implementation, and a cultural shift toward zero tolerance for harassment. By working together, educational institutions, students, and authorities can strive for campuses where everyone can learn and thrive without fear or discrimination.


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